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Plant Nappy Liner 2000mm x 1370mm
ELINE002Key Features
- Contains diesel spills and allows uncontaminated water to pass through
- Easy to use
- Durable in various weather conditions
- Eliminates costly emptying of contaminated trays
The Plant Nappy Liner is an eco-friendly solution designed to enhance spill containment.
Full Description
The Plant Nappy provides a practical and efficient spill prevention solution. It absorbs fuels and oils into its base, containing spills while allowing clean water to pass through. With no need for assembly or extensive training, it's ready for use straight out of the bag. A cost-effective and durable alternative to traditional drip trays, the Plant Nappy is lightweight, easy to use, and suitable for uneven terrain.
Safety Boots Required
Safety Gloves Required
Safety Goggles Required
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Key Features
- Contains diesel spills and allows uncontaminated water to pass through
- Eliminates costly emptying of contaminated trays